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Alabama Care

Allie Harrison and Oz Imaghodor pose for a family photo with their son Xander

XVI offers support, sense of community to parents of children with developmental delays

“We just want to continue to encourage families to not hear one thing about their child and think that that defines them and to think that their diagnosis defines them, that their IEP defines them, that a code and a chart defines them. It is a means to an end. It is a means to get them the help that they need.”

Alabama Care anchor Lane Hagan sits down with Allie Harrison and Oz Imaghodor to talk about the history, mission, and services of XVI, a “passion project” nonprofit organization they created out of love for their son, Xander, a “micro-preemie” born at 23 weeks.

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Resources mentioned in broadcast:

Alabama Care is partially supported by the Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities ( The views expressed are not necessarily the views of these organizations.

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